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Coteau Range Ranch Hand Clinic

The CRRA presents

Coteau Range Ranch Hand Clinic

Clinician: Ross Smith

Guest Clinicians: Dane Knox, Don Millar, Lars Baron, Mike Ramage, Rick Leslie, Steven Millar, Theresa Millar and Trevor Stender

This is an excellent group of instructors for you to learn from. They have many years of working with horses, stock, pasture and all are skillful ropers.

Friday start time is 1 PM

Saturday and Sunday 9 AM to 5 PM

In this 2 1/2 day clinic, you will learn to prepare your horse and yourself for ranch duties, cattle handling, and ranch roping which are all required to be an effective ranch hand on your own land or working for others. Included in the clinic will be reviewing your horsemanship skills, safety issues when working with cattle, and learning practical loops and a few fancy loops for ranch roping competitions! In the evenings there will be dummy roping for extra practice.

All levels of experience are welcome!

Limited space is available

Deadline for entries- Friday, May 26

$400 per person with $100 deposit to guarantee your place in the clinic.

If you are interested please let Theresa Millar know as soon as possible.

Location: Don and theresa Millar ‘s ranch near Mortlach, Sask.

Camping is available with electrical outlets

Contact: Theresa Millar 1-306-625-7763


Directions to Millar’s:

From Swift Current: When you get to Parkbeg, Sask. on the Trans Canada HWY turrn off will be apporxiametely 9 km East of Parkbeg. Turn South on Range Road 3020 (there are 3 signs marking the road - Courval 42 kms, RgRd 3020, Grid 627) Go South for 10.5 km. Driveway ono left hand side (East) with Canadian flag as a marker.

From Moose Jaw: When you get to Mortlach, Sask. on the Trans Canada HWY continue West for another 5.5 km then turn South on Ranch Road 3020 as shown above.

Earlier Event: May 20
Waitin' for Spring: Winter Series
Later Event: July 29
Fort Comfort Ranch Roping