Registration Saturday @ 10:30 AM - Roping @ 12:00 noon.
Entry Fee: $70 Open & $40 Novice - Arena fee $20 Cash Only
Contact: Trevor Stender 1-306-736-7054 OR Sherri Stender 1-306-736-7607
Location: Woodrow Arena @ Woodrow, Saskatchewan
Directions: Woodrow Arena is right along the highway in Woodrow, Sask.
Food: There will be a hot lunch provided by the Wood River 4 H club starting at 11 AM. Please contact
Sherri or Trevor and confirm your attendance for the lunch.
Note: Purchase or renewal of a SHF membership (or affiliated provincial memberships) now required prior to entering a CRRA sanctioned roping. Please go to the SHF website to purchase online.
Please purchase your CRRA membership prior to the roping. See the FAQ’s on our website for more information.